Unban unknown


Dein Entbannungsantrag
Text ok so you want to laugh about it well big deal i just wanted join this server to play minecraft with friend before everything happend like when i first joined. Deadpool told me everything i needed to get on even telling me mod pack like he wanted me to join now you should know i wouldn’t be on the discord or modded server if deadpool didn’t give me stuff for it. oh with the screen share i was not trying to advertise i just wanted someone to watch me play mc and nothing else that ip can’t remove it i would have to ask the owner of the server to remove it but its just apart of the server i was playing on. Nothing else so give it a fucking break and let me back on cause if i really wanted to advertise i would post my discord or just post the ip of that server on the discord and clearly you just wanted to make something up just to get me out of server!

Deadpool come back in to vc if you looking at this?

Busy playing with ducks while waiting for this discord to unban me and chilling digging dirt on my realm miss ya guys also im just going build a dirt house cause im bored

Quick context information: I will not only answer this, but also the other two unban requests in the meta category and the discord category all at once, collected, here.

I’m not the one who banned you so I had to talk to other teammembers and look into our logs to gain information on what actually happened in your case. This is the result of what my research came up with:

The first issue that came up was on the ATM 9 To the Skies Server. Other players complained that you were randomly claiming chunks in the public „Farmwelt“, disrupting others who were building there, and entering worlds of other players without permission. The claiming act is a form of griefing, due to the disruptive behaviour towards other players, while entering other players worlds and/or setting home points or other means of teleportation without permission is straight up against our rules. When a moderator questioned you about your actions, you claimed that a friend was using your account and perfomed these actions. Even if that is true, your responsible for your account and the actions executed by it, so it doesn’t matter who was actually playing. Therefore you got rightfully punished by getting banned from the server.

Afterwards, you got spotted by one of our teammembers streaming gameplay from another minecraft server in our discord server talk channels. This, again, is against our very strict anti advertising rules, which also cover passive advertising, like mentioning other servers in a non-advertising context or having server ips displayed anywhere, including Discord bios, status messages and even discord rich presence. So basically, do not display, talk, chat about, stream or otherwise share anything about any other non-myftb servers and services anywhere on our network. We really do not want that. And that’s where the discord ban came from.

Now, I know that these rules might be a bit stricter than you’re used too and the language barrier doesn’t help this case. We’re focused on the german market, after all. On the other hand, we do have all our rules publicly available and there are a lot of really good translation tools out there, even AIs are really good at translating and explaining stuff nowadays. And if there is still something unclear, you can always reach out to us for further explainaition and clarification. Although not all of our team members are good at communicating in english, all of them are capable of forwarding your request to someone else who can contact you and help you out.

Also, I can assure you that it is nothing personal. We try our best to treat everyone equally. If you feel a certain hostility from us towards you, I’d put the blame towards cultural differences. From your perspective, we may seem very stiff and unfriendly, but at the same time, your chill and lighthearted attitute makes our team members feel like you’re not taking them seriously and are now mocking/provoking us with your messages here on the forum.

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