World transfer GTNH

Bitte folgenes ausfüllen:
Quellserver: — GTNH-1
Zielserver: — GTNH-2
Welt: — 165

Ein Text mit ein paar Details wäre hilfreich.

Da ich davon ausgehen, dass das nur eine normale Verschiebung ist, verweise ich auf dieses Tutorial:

I was playing on the 1st server a while ago, now all i have is my inventory. I would like to only move my inventory, since i would like to complete the quests again. Also switching to the 2nd server to have my VIP perks.

@Kisly we need your full playername.


I figured how to transfer the worlds myself. But after i did so, i found out that i could no longer open my backpack with most of my stuff, any way to fix this? Thanks in advance

Hey, i fix your backpack :slight_smile:

Im sorry for causing so much problems, but could please you move my inventory from the first server to the second? It looks like i still dont have some stuff from there after transfering the world >.>

No problem :slight_smile:

Your inventory is transfered to Server 2. I check your inventory on Server 1 --> empty.

We cant restore more items, sry.

Well, before leaving i had all my stuff on the first server, i checked it like 14 hours ago, but now, its just empty… Well, anyways, thanks for helping

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