Tool Durability + /rs [Infinity (Hardmode)]


I’ve recently noticed some bug concerning the TiC Tools.
If you either die or relog, these tools lose a certain amount of their durability, about 20%, I mean, it’s not that bad, but I really don’t like to spend my resources on that just for nothing.

Another thing is (it’s not really a bug, more like a suggestion) that if you enter another dimension, your tools get stored in a ‚virtual‘ inventory, which you can get back by doing /rs, however, this inventory empties itself when you logout, and I’ve experienced this twice already, when my client timed-out :frowning:.

Thank you, hopefully you can do something about this. (I know it’s English, I can just understand quite some german, but cannot speak it myself).



Hello Solwolf,

to the first question I don’t have a answer. Never happened to me.
But to the second question.
The /rs command is only a security system, to prevent griefing in places like the spawn.
Because of that, some items may get filtered and placed in the /rs inventory.
And because this inventory is a temp inventory, it will be deleted after logging off.
We will notice your suggestion to save the rs items for a longer time.
But it can take a long time to follow your suggestion.

And it’s ok if you are talking english. The most of as can talk english too (maybe not the best english). So don’t worry about that.

with best regards

it’s a normal behaviour, that TiC tools loose 10% Durability after the player dies, but this should not happen when you relog, might be a bug

As far as I remember, the /rs command opens your ender chest, so every tool should be moved in this chest. Only the message should disappear after relog, your tools should still be in the chest. But this might have been changed

Went through the config file and yeah you were right.

B:“Tools lose 10% durability on death”=true

Must be why I was a little suprised, in most modpacks I’ve played this is set to false. And the durability loss on dead, probably a one time bug, I can’t do it again.

Guess that leaves us with only the /rs suggestion now^^

Thats why they disappear when you relog